๐[Note]Object Detection & IoT ๐ฆ
๐ทControl NodeMCU/ESP32 with Object Detection and Firebaseโ๏ธ

Project :
Predict Image with Object Detection model and send result to firebase for control LED on NodeMCU.
Database :
- Firebase
Front-End :
- Arduino
- NodeMCU
- Resistor
Project Structure (Front-End) :
- Create file od_fb_led_nodemcu.ino
- Edit code line 4 and 5 change to your firebase config
- Edit code line 6 and 7change to your wifi config
Back-End :
- Python
- TensorFlow
- OpenCV
Project Structure (Back-End) :

- Create file tf2fb.py at root and coding
- Edit code line 20 and 24 change to your firebase config
- code line 100 : if result class from Object Detection equal 4 (4 is the class number from labelmap.pbtxt that interests you) set led state on firebase realtime database
Result :